Wednesday 9 May 2012


Narrative of a child spending a day in the Environmental Education Centre

Dear Diary

Today, I went to the Environmental Education Centre for an excursion today. It was the best school day I have ever had. It was a bit of a walk to the centre but that was okay, we got to see the colourful seats outside on the way there. People were eating morning tea outside. Luckily it was a sunny day. When we arrived at the BIG entrance, we met up with our instructor who took care of us the whole day. The entrance was awesome as there were trees inside, I never knew you could have trees coming out of the floor, it was like an indoor jungle. We first went to the presentation room and saw a 3min introductory video telling us about the importance of sustainability and the different rooms in the centre. I couldn’t wait to go to the historical play space and play with the interactive computers and draw different things.We went to the sustainability room as our first destination where we learned more in depth about what sustainability is about and how we can make a difference. It was so cool what garbage can do. You can make new things out of plastic, cardboard and paper if you recycle them. I didn’t know that and apparently you can make a big difference if we put our garbage in the right bin. We got to play around with objects that were recycled but they looked brand new. We also learned about composting, natural energy and global warming.

Our second space we went to was the historical play space which I was waiting for! It was awesome, I got to play on the computers and play games about what our world looked like before today. It was fun. We also got to draw fossils and see them in real life. It is weird how

After our play space, we went to have lunch. I loved lunch! We got to choose what we wanted in our sandwich and I chose chicken and lettuce. Thats my favourite. The cooler part was that the lettuce was directly from the garden outside the lunch area. It was connected so to the cafeteria and on the tables were herbs so we picked and tasted what basil tasted like. It was weird, I don’t know if I liked it. But I liked how colourful the cafeteria was.

After lunch we went straight to the green house. I didn’t know what it was so I wasn’t too excited about it in the beginning but I think it was my favourite room out of the whole centre. The place was made out of glass and inside was butterflies and trees! The sunlight was gleaming on the water stream, it looked like glitter sparkling. Inside the greenroom and it was really nice and warm. I loved it! It was so pretty seeing the butterflies fly around. The instructor showed us the different types of butterflies and plants in the greenhouse and also told us how a greenhouse works. It was beautiful, I felt like I was in a crystal glass ball or something. We left and went to our last are which was the outdoor area where the vegie patches were. We got to see vegetable and pick some and taste them. Apparently they are organic which means they are all naturally grown. I wish I could have vegie patch at home. It was fun picking it of the trees and plants. I didn’t you couldn’t see potatoes growing because they are underground. Afterwards we all got afternoon tea which was orange juice with fresh fruit salad from the garden patch. We had free time and played outside the BEST playground I have ever seen! It was so big! I was exhausted bouncing up and down on the air trampoline and flying fox. Those were my two favourites. After a long fun day, I went home and told my mum and dad about it. They said next time we can all go as a family! I cannot wait!  

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